User’s guide

This application is designed to simulate the operation of radar with objects.


First, create a virtual environment:

python3 -m venv venv

Activate virtual envirenment:

source ./venv/bin/activate

Ather that install necessary python packages:

python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt

Now, you can run application:




Now let’s look at the application. At startup, two windows appear first. The first is a window with all the objects, buttons, and coordinates of the object. The second window is a window with visualization

_images/settings_window.png _images/visualization.png


There are two ways to control visualization. The first of them is to control the keys on the keyboard

Keyboard Controls

  • W, A, S, D - moving forward, backward, right, left

  • Q, E - lifting up, down

  • ESC - exit the application

  • O - creating a new application

  • V - maneouver “Speed changes”

  • ESC - exit the application

  • O - creating a new application

  • V - maneouver “Speed changes”

  • C - maneouver “U-turn”

  • H - maneouver “Altitude change”

  • I - show/do not show signals

  • P - release a signal

  • T - show/not show trajectories

  • M - start/leave modeling

  • Left arrow - select an object that was created earlier

  • Right arrow - select the object that was created later

When using the keys that create a manoeuvre for an object, a window with manoeuvre settings will appear

Window Controls

When you click on the “Создать объект” button, the following window opens. There are two tabs on it where you can specify coordinates in different coordinate systems.

_images/create_object_dec.png _images/create_object_geo.png

When you click on the “Разворот” button, a window opens in which you can set the turn time. It will open only if there is at least one object in the simulation. This also applies to buttons “Изменение высоты” and “Изменение скорости”


When you click on the “Изменение высоты” button, a window opens in which you can set the required height and time of changing height.


When you click on the “Изменение скорости” button, a window open in which you can set the required speed components.


If there are two planes in the visualization, then you can choose between them, both in the interface and through the keys. The selected object is highlighted in white. Geocentric coordinates and Cartesian coordinates are displayed for it
